Yasmin’s Hike for Gaza
Please support this fundraising hike of Snowdonia by donating to Charity Right UK to help support emergency aid in Gaza.
Open-ended deadline
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh / اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
(in English: Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings)
Charity Right have launched an emergency response in Gaza. I’ll be hiking Snowdonia on 23rd June to raise funds for this appeal insha’Allah.
At a time when our arms cannot physically reach out to help and our kitchens cannot extend to their children, there is another way in which you can offer relief. With your generous contributions, Charity Right are committed to supporting the children of Palestine now by providing ongoing emergency aid and in the future by establishing a school meals programme in the country.
Hayat Yolu, Charity Right’s on-the-ground partner, has been actively providing aid in Palestine since 2014. Their extensive experience uniquely positions them to adeptly overcome challenges related to the delivery of essential food and water in Gaza.
JazakAllah khayr (in English: May Allah reward you [with] goodness)
Shaimaa and Sumaiyah’s Appeal For Palestine
Fundraising target: £3,000.00
£2,155.00 -
1Mehreen's Fundraising For Palestine!
Fundraising target: £150.00
£2,083.00 -
2Active Inclusion Network's Appeal For Palestine
Fundraising target: £1,000.00
£2,004.75 -
3Selina’s Hike for Palestine
Fundraising target: £1,000.00
£1,870.00 -
4Aleena and Haleema’s Hike For Palestine!
Fundraising target: £1,700.00
Latest donations

You can now schedule your donation to this fundraiser across the 30 nights of Ramadan.
Schedule Donations