featured image of Emergency charity appeal for Palestine

Emergency charity appeal for Palestine

Support our campaign and bring hope to the children of Palestine.

£373.51 raised of £300.00

Open-ended deadline

Join 18 donors

By donating to this fundraising page you will be providing meals to needy children.

  • £13 Can provide a month of regular school meals for one school child
  • £75 Can provide 6 months of regular school meals for one school child
  • £150 Can provide a year of regular school meals for one school child
  • £600 Can provide a year of regular school meals for four school children

I am raising money with Charity Right to provide emergency aid for Gaza.

I will be hiking The Great Mam Tor – Lose Hill Ridge Trek in December to fundraise for this appeal.

Please be assured that Charity Right has been working with their partner, Hayat Yolu, since 2014. This makes them expertly placed to navigate any obstacles on the ground and successfully deliver ongoing essential aid such as food and water in Gaza.

With your contributions, Charity Right are committed to supporting the children of Palestine by providing ongoing emergency aid.

The Prophet, upon be peace, said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

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featured image of Emergency charity appeal for Palestine

You can now schedule your donation to this fundraiser across the 30 nights of Ramadan.

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