featured image of Zara, Farina and Insaf’s Deployment to Turkey!
Zara Khan

Zara, Farina and Insaf’s Deployment to Turkey!

We will be visiting the Uyghur refugee community in Turkey with Charity Right. Please show your support to feed as many children as we can!

£11,358.44 raised of £10,000.00

Open-ended deadline

Join 132 donors

By donating to this fundraising page you will be providing meals to needy children.

  • £13 Can provide a month of regular school meals for one school child
  • £75 Can provide 6 months of regular school meals for one school child
  • £150 Can provide a year of regular school meals for one school child
  • £600 Can provide a year of regular school meals for four school children


In May 2024 we will be travelling to Istanbul and Kayseri to help change children’s lives through education.

50,000 Uyghurs fled cultural genocide to seek safety in Turkey. Among them were hundreds of children whose parents remained in re-education camps. Scared and alone, these children lack food, healthcare and education. 

We will be supporting the Charity Right school meals project by participating in the daily tasks of supporting the school children.

During my visit we will also be meeting the children and their families and learning of their struggles, culture and traditions.

Please help us reach our target of £10,000 by donating to our page.

The funds you donate will be used to help feed children across three Islamic schools in Turkey, providing over 270,000 school meals over the year.

How to Donate? 

Take a minute out of your day to donate. Leave an impact that lasts a lifetime:

£13 = a month of school meals for one child  

£75 = six months of school meals for one child  

£150 = an entire year of school meals for one child  

£750 = an entire year of school meals for five children   

This campaign is Zakat Eligible! Please donate as much as you can from your Zakat and Sadaqah. 

Please share my campaign with others to spread the word! 

May Allah (SWT) accept all our efforts and Charity. Ameen!

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featured image of Zara, Farina and Insaf’s Deployment to Turkey!

You can now schedule your donation to this fundraiser across the 30 nights of Ramadan.

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