Talha’s The Ramadan Challenge 2024
Raising money this Ramadhan to put food in the stomach of unfortunate children in need❤️
Campaign has ended
Update 08/04/2024
Alhamdulillah we have reached our third goal of £500..don’t let this stop you from donating more let’s make the most of what we have left of Ramadhan
Update 19/03/2024:
Alhamdulillah thanks to everyone’s generosity we have shamshed the £300 goal…Ramadhan is the month of giving let’s try and get to £500 inshallah
Update 13/03/2024: alhamdulillah we have reached my goal of £150 and I have now set another goal for £300
I am participating in The Ramadan Challenge with Charity Right.
By taking part I intend to run 1km for each £ raised in the month of Ramadan ..inshallah any additional funds raised I will cover this with a combination of both running and walking
The funds raised through The Ramadan Challenge will go towards providing meals to children in some of the most vulnerable countries impacted by conflict.
Let’s unite and become a beacon of hope by supporting Charity Right’s effort as they support children in the distressing situations in Palestine, those suffering in Afghanistan, Uyghur children as they start a new life in Turkey, the Rohingya refugees who continue to seek sanctuary in Bangladesh and beyond.
Charity Right supports children through it’s school meals programme. This is a critical need, as it not only provides them with the sustenance they need to stay healthy, but it also incentivises parents to send their children to school, giving them a chance to escape the cycle of poverty.
Remember, this project is Zakat eligible, and your donation can make a big impact:
£13 = one child is fed for an entire month!
£75 = one child is fed for 6 months!
£150 = one child is fed for 1 whole year!
£300 = 2 children supported with regular meals for 1 whole year!
Thank you for your support. Let’s make The Ramadan Challenge a massive success!
shahid's The Ramadan Challenge 2024
Fundraising target: £7,500.00
£7,525.95 -
1Sarf's Running to Feed Children - Ramadan Challenge 2024
Fundraising target: £300.00
£4,200.16 -
2Ali's Ramadan Challenge
Fundraising target: £3,000.00
£4,118.50 -
3Faizal's Ramadan Challenge
Fundraising target: £5,000.00
£3,352.44 -
4Happy Healthy You for Gaza's The Ramadan Challenge 2024
Fundraising target: £500.00
Latest donations

You can now schedule your donation to this fundraiser across the 30 nights of Ramadan.
Schedule Donations