Imagine growing up in a country suffering from water shortage, famine and political instability…
Some children don’t even need to imagine it – they live it every day.
A staggering 80% of Yemen’s population need humanitarian aid – and that includes 12 million innocent children struggling in a harsh, unforgiving world.
Many have no choice other than drop out of school to help their family beg for money, food or water, finding anything they can to survive. And 2 million under 5-year-olds are malnourished, many of whom will die if not given care urgently.
You can help end this.
We have launched our school meals programme in three schools with almost 2,500 students across primary and secondary school age!
Charity Right are offering the children of Yemen an opportunity to escape their fate. By offering school meals, parents are able to send their children to school. There they find a place to be happy and healthy as they receive an education that will change their lives and the lives of their community.
This Ramadan, please make a donation to help us provide 100 children with school meals for the next year.
Every meal can change a life – and you can help.
£13 provides a child with school meals for a whole month
£75 provides a child with school meals for 6 months
£150 provides a child with school meals for an entire year